Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gravy and Stuff

Gravy.  Not that brown stuff... the good, thick, creamy white stuff with lots of pepper and crumbled sausage. Southern style. Gravy, fried stuff, good friends and silly stories.  That's what this is all about.

Couple of years back, I was having coffee with two of my besties: Tim Myrick and  Sam Gummelt.  It must've been around Texas State Fair time because we got into a discussion of all things fried.  Lots of ideas bounced around the table but Tim came up with the mother of all fried food ideas: Fried Gravy.  Holy cow.  Yeah - Fried Gravy. 

So - I cook.  Alot.  If you've known me for more than 5 minutes, you know that.  The moment I heard "fried gravy," I started building it in my head.  Ok - that's something else I do... I build stuff in my head.  Funny enough, my "day job" is as an information architect which means, guess what, I get paid to build stuff in my head.  But back to gravy... I started building fried gravy in my head.

I spent a couple of years mulling over the idea of fried gravy, thinking about fried gravy, dreaming about fried gravy.  Mind you - I'm not much of a fried food person.  I don't own a FryDaddy and Lord knows I don't NEED fried food but this was something special and I was willing to make an exception.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, I recently crossed paths with an old neighbor/friend, Stephanie.  She owns LaGrange-Deep Ellum. We started talking food, parties and kitchens and an old friendship was rekindled. (Yes - I'm getting back to the gravy but this is part of the story too).

Stephanie and I did a few projects together: I built a Big Foot cake for one of her parties, we worked together on a Super Bowl party and LaGrange became the kitchen for Cupcake Caps.  It was a beautiful thing. 

During one of our conversations, Stephanie brought up the idea of being a food vendor at the Texas State Fair.  Wow.  All I could think about was finally having a venue for this thing I'd been creating/cooking/tweaking in my head for the past couple of years.  Woot!

Our application for the Texas State Fair was submitted on February 28th and I can't wait to hear back.  I'll keep you posted.  : )

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